Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sexually Induced Suicide

In light of what's been going on recently, I've noticed a lot of moronic corporations have come out of the woodworks to put in their two cents about the suicides being committed by homosexuals. I'm saddened and sickened by the coverage of it all and the misrepresentation its getting.

First of all, on AOL news I saw a link titled "why is suicide a rising trend in gay teens?" Apparently, those people didn't go to middle or high school. It sucks being a pre-teen or a teenager these days and it especially sucks if you're gay. (Please don't be offended by the word gay, understand I don't mean it offensively.)

Let's say everyday you wake up, you get dressed, you go to school and at school all you hear is "faggot, cocksucker, queer, queen, fag, rug-muncher, butt-pirate" etc. Let's hope that's all you have to endure but truthfully it won't be that simple. Next you deal with some piece of shit who "hates fags 'cuz the bible tells him to" and decides to kick your ass. Like any situation in school, it doesn't get handled properly and no one is punished for his crime. The next day that trend continues, you're ridiculed, picked on, beaten up and all of your self worth is destroyed. Eventually, you begin to believe those words and the bruises on your body. You go through a phase of self-hatred and realize that maybe you don't belong on earth much less with these people.

There you have it, it's that simple. I got beaten up in school for being a "fag" and I'm not even gay. You get to a point where all you want is for the beatings to stop. Counselors will talk to you but won't take action, teachers/principals didn't witness it so they won't do anything, police just write it off as school bullying and that's no big deal. You don't get your parents involved because they don't even know you're gay. You have no one, there isn't anyone there for you so you decide to kill yourself. It's easy and at least you don't have to deal with the torture anymore.

So AOL, does that answer your dumb fucking question?

Through out the ages there has always been one group or another that's targeted as a scapegoat and a punching bag and unfortunately gays have been that punching bag for far too long. Blacks were trampled on for centuries but I feel we've overcome that trend for the most part, Jews had a turn during WWII which nearly eradicated them; and through all of that gays were hated just as much then as they are now. I can't help but to ask why?

The first excuse/reason: Religion.

Tired of this BS. There is big difference between being Christian and being Christ-like. Christians say "kill everyone who doesn't believe what I believe" while people who are Christ-like accept everyone just like Jesus did and would still. If you believe in Jesus please be like him and accept all of those around you. Don't pray that gays "get better or cured," pray that their torment stops.

Secondly, I don't want to hear about how people who are gay don't pro-create. Who fucking cares? Clearly, what we need less of are people. We don't need more people to grow up and hate "fags" just because. I wish gay people could pro-create because they'd make better parents anyway. They would be more understanding and have more realistic guidelines and goals for their children.

And yes, let gays get married. If they want to be as miserable as straight people then just let them. It's not about black/white, gay/straight etc it's about being a human being and being given human rights.

I can go on and on about these ordeals and more but I will cut myself off and leave you with this:

Homosexuals are not given the quality of life straight people are. They never have been. They're ridiculed, tortured and have been denied their rights to a full life even before they realize they are gay. I hope that nobody's child ever has to go through the torment that gay people do. If they do, you will weep and beg the question "why, my child never did anything to anyone." Keep that in mind next time you decide to make a sign that says "fags sin." "All men are created equal" I don't recall their ever being an asterisk next to that line.


  1. I agree with what you are saying. It is not fair for anyone to go through the pain and torture of being homosexual. Nobody has the right to judge them or take away their rights as a person. We are all human and God's children!
